

Confidential Resources

If you wish that details of an incident be kept confidential, on-campus resources include Morningside’s personal counselor, chaplain, and student health providers. Local resources such as crisis centers are also confidential and have no duty to report your information to the University.


  • Bobbi Meister, Personal Counselor, 712-274-5606
  • Judi Neswick, Student Health Nurse, 712-274-5178
  • Rev. Andy Nelson, Campus Chaplain, 712-274-5148


Other Resources

All University employees, except those deemed confidential resources above, are mandatory reports and must report sexual misconduct to the Title IX coordinator. Conversations will be kept discreet but not confidential.


  • Beth Boettcher, Associate Dean of Advising and Coordinator of Disability Services / Title IX Coordinator, 712-274-5034
  • Dr. Chris Spicer, VP for Academic Affairs / Title IX Deputy Coordinator, 712-274-5103
  • Cindy Welp, Director of Human Resources / Title IX Deputy Coordinator, 712-274-5114
  • Sheri Hineman, Director of Residence Life, 712-274-5335
  • Brett Lyon, Director of Safety & Security, 712-274-5500
  • Safety & Security (available 24/7), 712-274-5234


Tips to support a survivor

Whether you are a friend, partner, or family member, you can be a pivotal force in your loved one’s recovery from sexual assault. It is also important to recognize that the assault can be traumatizing for you as a loved one, so please make sure you practice self-care. 


  • Believe every person
  • Be supportive and treat them with respect
  • Listen, listen, listen
  • Do not accuse or judge
  • Focus on the survivor’s emotions, not on actual facts about the assault
  • Offer them local resources and encourage them to seek professional counseling
  • Do not pretend the assault never happened
  • Do not press for details

It is normal to feel enraged that someone hurt your loved one, but the focus should remain on the survivor’s emotions.

Title IX Team

Title IX Coordinator
Beth Boettcher
Associate Dean of Advising and Coordinator of Disability Services

Title IX Deputy Coordinator
Dr. Chris Spicer
Vice President for Academic Affairs

Title IX Deputy Coordinator
Cindy Welp
Director of Human Resources

Shari Benson
Administrative Coordinator for Student Life

Terri Curry
Vice President for Student Life and Enrollment

Adam Fullerton 
Library Director

Sheri Hineman
Director of Residence Life 

Brett Lyon
Director of Safety and Security 

Andre McWell
Director of Persistence and Diversity

Bobbi Meister, LISW
Personal Counselor / Consultant and Educator for Team