Let’s see how you did!
At Morningside, our job placement rate is: 99%.
Morningside has a nurse on staff and a physician that visits weekly! How much do these services cost? It’s free for students.
At Morningside, you will have a roommate! How are they selected? We ask for your input with a detailed questionnaire, we are looking for the best fit for you.
Morningside Activities Council (MAC) provides which type of FREE activities for Mside students? All of the above & more! MAC makes sure there is always something fun going happening on campus at no cost to students.
If you need a work-study job; how do you find one? Go to a work-study job fair during the first week of classes to see all the jobs that are available.
You are writing your first college paper. You should: Visit the Writing Center for assistance.
Something is wrong! Your computer is not functioning properly. You should: Take it to tech services.
Our traditional residence halls provide: All of the above!
6+ questions correctly: You are pretty much a Morningside University Aficionado! You will roll onto campus equipped with the “know-how.”
4-6 questions correctly: You have almost reached Morningside Rock Star status! Just a few more pieces of knowledge to gain. We will get you there!
Less than 4 questions correctly: Don’t worry, we’ve got this! We will take good care of you here on campus and ensure you know all the right people to see all of the many services we offer!