The Connie Wimer Women’s Leadership Program announces inaugural Lillian Dimmitt Excellence in Women’s Leadership Award

SIOUX CITY, Iowa – The Connie Wimer Women’s Leadership group at Morningside University is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the inaugural Lillian Dimmitt Excellence in Women’s Leadership Award. This accolade celebrates remarkable women who have demonstrated exceptional leadership, mentorship, contributions to the Morningside community, and have made a significant influence and impact in their respective fields.
“The Connie Wimer Women’s Leadership program was established in 2017 to provide leadership and growth opportunities for women on campus. It has grown and evolved over the last several years to now include an annual hosted tea honoring one of Morningside’s original women leaders, Lillian Dimmitt. The Lillian Dimmitt Excellence in Women’s Leadership Award is being established to take the work of the group one step further by recognizing and honoring women leaders connected to Morningside at the tea, this year scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 25,” shared Dr. Shannon Claxton, associate professor of psychology and director of the Connie Wimer Women’s Leadership group.
Nominees should exhibit exemplary leadership skills, both professionally and personally, along with a track record of leading successful projects, teams, or organizations. A key criterion is mentorship; the nominee should have actively guided and empowered other women. Evidence of mentorship can include testimonials from mentees or involvement in mentorship programs.
Significant positive contributions to the Morningside community are also a crucial factor— whether as an alumna, donor, faculty, staff, or administrator. This could be in the form of time, resources, fundraising efforts, or impactful initiatives.
The award also recognizes the nominee’s influence and impact on her field or community, evidenced by bringing about positive change or progress. This could be measured through direct impacts such as new policies or initiatives, or indirect impacts like inspiring others to take action.
To nominate a deserving woman, please submit a nomination letter of up to 1,000 words, demonstrating how the nominee meets the award criteria. Include specific examples and personal anecdotes to illustrate each criterion. In addition to the nomination letter, please include two additional letters of support written by individuals who can provide valuable insights into the nominee’s contributions and influence.
Combine all three letters into a single PDF file and email it to by Monday, Jan. 15, 2024. The file should be named in the following format: ‘Nominee’s Last Name_First Name_Lillian Dimmitt Award’. All letters should be thoroughly proofread, clear, and concise.
Thank you in advance for your nominations. The selection committee eagerly awaits the opportunity to review all nominations and celebrate the achievements of these incredible women in our community.