Dr. Chris Spicer, associate professor of mathematics, completed a paper with a colleague and a student that was recently published in the Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing.

Dr. Chris Spicer, associate professor of mathematics at Morningside College, completed a paper with a colleague and a student that was recently published in the Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing.

The paper finds solutions to all of the remaining cases of a problem in Combinatorics that was originally posed in 1933 by the mathematician Richard Rado.

Amy Whitsell started the project while a student at Morningside. After she graduated, Spicer worked with Dr. Brenda Mammenga, a former Morningside faculty member, to finish the problem.

The Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing began publication in 1987. The scope of the journal is all areas of combinatorial mathematics and related computing.