Mustang bowlers finish second at Bronco Open
Morningside’s men’s bowling team was the match play runner-up at the Hastings Bronco Open.
Quetin Charbonneau
Austin Naylor
Morningside’s men’s bowling team finished second in the match play competition at the Hastings College Bronco Open held Nov. 21 and 22 in Hastings, Neb.
The Mustangs upset No. 1 seed University of Nebraska 222-202 and 209-158 to advance to the championship match, where they lost 168-146 and 179-146 against Midland.
Morningside knocked down a total of 2868 pins to finish fourth out of seven teams in the final team standings.
The Mustangs finished third in the team standings in the women’s competition with a total of 7127 pins. Morningside lost 156-153 and 159-154 against Midland in match play.
Austin Naylor was the Mustangs’ top finisher in the men’s overall individual standings. Naylor knocked down 1079 pins in six games for an average of 180. He had a 213 in his fourth game for the Mustangs’ top individual score of the tournament.
Nicole Thill
Katie Pearson
Quentin Charbonneau finished 22nd with a total of 1020 pins for a 170 average. He also rolled a 200 game with a 210 in his fourth game.
Dylan Casper and Tanner Hansel, who bowled in only five games, each averaged 174 for two of the team’s best averages at the tourney.
Nicole Thill led the Mustang women with 821 pins for 15th place in the individual standings. Thill had the team’s top individual score with a 212 in her second game and led the Mustangs with a 164 average.
Katie Pearson finished right behind Thill with 806 pins for 16th place. She had a 161-pin average with a top score of 174.
Haley Mathes had a 156 average and finished strong with scores of 183 and 179 in her final two games.
The Mustangs will host the Morningside Invitational on Dec. 5 and 6.
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