Morningsider Fall 2021 Feature: Summer of #ExperienceMatters
Summer is the perfect time to take #ExperienceMatters to a new level with a research project or internship.
By Carly Hanson ’14
Read this story and more in the Morningsider (Fall 2021 Issue)
After a busy academic year, students and faculty enjoy a much-deserved break from the hustle and bustle during the summer months before school starts again in August. For some Morningsiders like Garrett Arbuckle, Riley Salzman, and Dayana Carbo, summer is the perfect time to take #ExperienceMatters to a new level with a research project or internship.
Riley SalzmanRiley Salzman, a senior nursing major from Sioux Falls, S.D., was one of Morningside’s 13 Tyson interns. The Tyson Foods Summer Community Internship Program provides full-time college students with an eight-week paid internship to assist community organizations and gain experience with diverse social issues. Salzman says his internship with the Sioux City Human Rights Commission opened his eyes to amazing work being done by nonprofits in Sioux City to advocate for disenfranchised communities.
“I have always had a passion for helping people, and a part of this passion is helping people from disenfranchised communities. This is why I chose a career in nursing,” Salzman said. “This summer, I have learned so much about discrimination and how to aid individuals who have been subjected to discrimination. In my future career as a nurse, I want to apply what I have learned to provide empathetic care to each patient I interact with.”
Dayana Carbo, a senior political science major from Sioux City, participated in Morningside’s Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP). SURP is a funded scholar’s program that provides students and faculty an opportunity to collaborate on research and scholarly work during the summer. Carbo worked with assistant professor of philosophy Brandon Boesch for a research project titled “The Communication and Interpretation of Uncertainty in Weather Forecasting,” a philosophical exploration of the ways in which uncertainty within meteorological prediction is communicated and interpreted.Dayana Carbo and Dr. Brandon Boesch
“I believe a large part of the process of serving a community is understanding how information is communicated to them and how it will be received,” Carbo said. “With the Siouxland area being culturally diverse, myself being of Hispanic background and having been raised in Ecuador until 10 years of age, I am interested in learning whether there are differences in how weather predictions are interpreted across different cultures.”
Garrett ArbuckleGarrett Arbuckle, a junior political science major from Littleton, Colo., spent his summer in Washington, D.C. as an intern for the U.S. House of Representatives in the office of Representative Carol Miller (R-WV). Arbuckle worked alongside the Congresswoman’s staff to assist with drafting legislation and co-sponsorship memos, conducting research, writing press releases and social media posts, communicating with constituents, and helping with daily tasks that keep the office running smoothly. Additionally, he connected directly with the Congresswoman, talked about legislation, and sat in on meetings with lobbyists and stakeholders.
“This internship aligned with my career goals when it comes to reading, researching, and explaining legislation,” said Arbuckle. “I want to go into law and politics, and learning what issues and concerns people have in order to represent them and find solutions is a valuable skillset.”
Arbuckle added this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was made possible with the assistance of faculty and staff at Morningside. He says the support he received from the university helped him feel confident about taking on new challenges and responsibilities. “Morningside is more than just a place to go to school. It is a community that is second to none,” Arbuckle said. “This experience helped me grow as an individual and a professional, and I will remember this summer for the rest of my life.”