Two Morningside College professors recently gave presentations during a meeting of the Iowa Section of the Mathematical Association of America at Morningside College.

Two Morningside College professors recently gave presentations during a meeting of the Iowa Section of the Mathematical Association of America at Morningside College.

Eric Canning, associate professor of mathematics, gave a presentation on “The Use of Projects in Calculus II and Linear Algebra.” He shared his experiences of having students work in small groups to develop posters and presentations in his Calculus II and Linear Algebra courses.

Mitchel T. Keller, assistant professor of mathematics, gave a presentation on his involvement in developing open-source textbooks – textbooks that are freely accessible to the public and openly licensed. He also discussed his use of the markup language PreTeXt when working on online textbooks.

Canning has taught at Morningside College since 1998. He has a Ph.D. From Kansas State University in Manhattan.

Keller joined the faculty at Morningside College this fall. He has a Ph.D. in mathematics from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta.